Results for 'Zara Thokozani Kamwendo'

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  1.  28
    Resistance to narratives of the covid‐19 pandemic as an act of God.Zara Thokozani Kamwendo - 2021 - Zygon 56 (4):1110-1129.
    Zygon®, Volume 56, Issue 4, Page 1110-1129, December 2021.
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    Reconceptualising the Doctor–Patient Relationship: Recognising the Role of Trust in Contemporary Health Care.Zara J. Bending - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (2):189-202.
    The conception of the doctor–patient relationship under Australian law has followed British common law tradition whereby the relationship is founded in a contractual exchange. By contrast, this article presents a rationale and framework for an alternative model—a “Trust Model”—for implementation into law to more accurately reflect the contemporary therapeutic dynamic. The framework has four elements: an assumption that professional conflicts with patient safety, motivated by financial or personal interests, should be avoided; an onus on doctors to disclose these conflicts; a (...)
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    Learning mechanisms in cue reweighting.Zara Harmon, Kaori Idemaru & Vsevolod Kapatsinski - 2019 - Cognition 189 (C):76-88.
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    The Hatata Inquiries: Two Texts of Seventeenth-Century African Philosophy from Ethiopia about Reason, the Creator, and Our Ethical Responsibilities.Zara Yaqob & Walda Heywat - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    The Hatata Inquiries are two extraordinary texts of African philosophy composed in Ethiopia in the 1600s. Written in the ancient African language of Geʿez (Classical Ethiopic), these explorations of meaning and reason are deeply considered works of rhetoric. They advocate for women’s rights and rail against slavery. They offer ontological proofs for God and question biblical commands while delighting in the language of Psalms. They advise on right living. They put reason above belief, desire above asceticism, love above sectarianism, and (...)
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  5. Is there such a thing as ‘white ignorance’ in British education?Zara Bain - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (1):4-21.
    I argue that political philosopher Charles W. Mills’ twin concepts of ‘the epistemology of ignorance’ and ‘white ignorance’ are useful tools for thinking through racial injustice in the British education system. While anti-racist work in British education has a long history, racism persists in British primary, secondary and tertiary education. For Mills, the production and reproduction of racism relies crucially on cognitive and epistemological processes that produce ignorance, and which promote various ways of ignoring the histories and legacies of European (...)
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    Is South Africa ready for the future of human germline genome editing? Comparing South African law and recent proposals for global governance.T. Kamwendo & B. Shozi - 2021 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 14 (3):97-100.
    Over the past few years, developments in the science of precise editing of human genomes using CRISPR-Cas9 have led many countries that lack specific laws in this area, such as South Africa, to contemplate legal reform. Thaldar et al. recently published five principles to guide legal reform in SA on heritable genome editing. In a similar vein, concerns about the global impact of human germline genome editing have led to calls for a global regulatory mechanism. This is what the World (...)
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  7. Mlsslonarles and language development.Gregory H. Kamwendo - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 14:90.
  8.  58
    The ELSI Genetics Regulatory Resource Kit: A Tool for Policymakers in Developing Countries.Zara Merali, Peter A. Singer, Victor Boulyjenkov & Abdallah S. Daar - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (4):692-700.
    The international context of the last fifty years of modern bioethics have been significant in establishing health-care ethics or bioethics as a common parlance - an ideology of our times, achieving near universal acceptance, with little dissent. Most international health organizations have developed important declarations that have become the credo of their daily practice and long-term commitments. However, in the last decade in particular, bioethicists and other health-care practitioners and scholars have worried about the persistence of health-care inequities and the (...)
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    Trust-Based Situation Awareness: Comparative Analysis of Agent-Based and Population-Based Modeling.Zara Nasar & Syed Waqar Jaffry - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-17.
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    Happy Vergil Goes North: The Aeneid in Russian Letters.Zara Martirosova Torlone - 2017 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (1):27-45.
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  11. Marginalized medical practice: The marginalization and transformation of indigenous medicines in South Africa.Thokozani Xaba - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Another knowledge is possible: beyond northern epistemologies. New York: Verso. pp. 317.
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  12. Gunāhān-i zabān az naẓar-i Qurʻān va ʻitrat.Muḥammad ʻAlī Ṣafarī Zarāfshān - 1982 - [Mashhad]: M.Ṣ Zarāfshān.
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    Intimate Partner Violence and its Escalation Into Femicide. Frailty thy Name Is “Violence Against Women”.Georgia Zara & Sarah Gino - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A theory of repetition and retrieval in language production.Zara Harmon & Vsevolod Kapatsinski - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (6):1112-1144.
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    Transsexuality in Contemporary Iran: Legal and Social Misrecognition.Zara Saeidzadeh - 2016 - Feminist Legal Studies 24 (3):249-272.
    Sex change surgery has been practised in Iran under Ayatollah Khomeini’s fatwa in 1982. Therefore, a medical and judicial process of transition has been regulated accordingly. However, this has not resulted in either the legalization of sex change surgery, nor in the recognition of transsexual identity within Iranian substantive law. Sex change surgery is allowed through Islamic law, rather than substantive law, in response to the existing social facts and norms, on the one hand, and structural cooperation with medical system, (...)
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  16. A Tool for Policymakers in Developing Countries.Zara Merali, Peter A. Singer, Victor Boulyjenkov & Abdallah S. Daar - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32:4.
  17.  53
    ERP evidence for successful voluntary avoidance of conscious recollection.Zara M. Bergström, Max Velmans, Jan de Fockert & Alan Richardson-Klavehn - 2007 - Brain Research 1151:119-133.
  18.  18
    Migration as Reparation for Colonialism.Zara Goldstone - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (4):763-781.
    It is commonly accepted that former European colonising states ought to make reparations for the many harmful legacies of colonialism. I defend an undertheorised case for migration as reparation for one harmful legacy of colonialism in particular, that of exploitation. Making reparations for the harmful legacy of colonial exploitation requires, among other measures, a redistribution of wealth from former colonising states to their former colonies, and for former colonising states to make symbolic reparations, acknowledging the wrong of exploitation. Often it (...)
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    The Message in the Microaggression: Epistemic Oppression at the Intersection of Disability and Race.Zara Bain & Jeanine Weekes Schroer - 2019 - In Jeanine Weekes Schroer & Lauren Freeman, Microaggressions and Philosophy. New York: Taylor & Francis.
    This chapter articulates how people understand “microaggression” and offers a clarifying augmentation of that account. It attempts to define disability, and then talk through how analysis connects with the very few discussions of microaggressions within the context of disability. The chapter introduces the case of “Disabled But Not Really.” It leverages previous analysis to show how microaggressions’ mixed legibility is crucial to their role in maintaining an epistemology that polices disability in general and disabled people in particular. The chapter discusses (...)
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    Victorian Horace: Classics and Class by Stephen Harrison.Zara Torlone - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (2):277-278.
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    Postcolonial Migration and Relational Inequality: The Complexities of Positive Contact as a Relational Equality Promoting Tool.Zara Goldstone - forthcoming - Moral Philosophy and Politics.
    Recently, some political philosophers have started to argue that the history and continuation of colonial injustices means that former colonising states have no right to exclude members of former colonies or colonially inflected societies. However, less attention has been paid to the issue of how postcolonial migrants ought to be treated once admitted into former metropoles. In this paper I assess whether postcolonial migrants ought to be required to socially integrate once admitted. On the one hand, there seems to be (...)
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  22. Training the Mind: First Steps in a Cross-Cultural Collaboration in Neuroscientific Research.Zara Houshmound - 2002 - In Richard J. Davidson & Anne Harrington, Visions of Compassion: Western Scientists and Tibetan Buddhists Examine Human Nature. Oup Usa.
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    Sexual femicide, non-sexual femicide and rape: Where do the differences lie? A continuum in a pattern of violence against women.Georgia Zara, Sarah Gino, Sara Veggi & Franco Freilone - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Violence against women is a growing health problem, especially when perpetrated in intimate relationships. Despite increasing attention, there is little comparative evidence on the different types of violence involved and there is a paucity of research on sexual femicides. This study examines cases of violence against women in northern Italy, focusing on sexual and non-sexual femicides and comparing them with rape that does not result in femicides. The sample included 500 women who were victims of sexual and non-sexual femicides, and (...)
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  24. Future of global regulation of human genome editing: a South African perspective on the WHO Draft Governance Framework on Human Genome Editing.Bonginkosi Shozi, Tamanda Kamwendo, Julian Kinderlerer, Donrich W. Thaldar, Beverley Townsend & Marietjie Botes - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (3):165-168.
    WHO in 2019 established the Advisory Committee on Developing Global Standards for Governance and Oversight of Human Genome Editing, which has recently published a Draft Governance Framework on Human Genome Editing. Although the Draft Framework is a good point of departure, there are four areas of concern: first, it does not sufficiently address issues related to establishing safety and efficacy. Second, issues that are a source of tension between global standard setting and state sovereignty need to be addressed in a (...)
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  25.  10
    Philosophy: a crash course.Zara Bain - 2019 - New York: Metro Books. Edited by A. M. Ferner & Nadia Mehdi.
    It is easy to think of philosophy as being something abstract, something that academics study in isolation from the real world. Yet we make decisions based on philosophical debates every day--why is your money yours and not ours? Why shouldn't you lie? Or is it ever acceptable to lie? Philosophy: A Crash Course will guide you through the key concepts and theories, from logic to justice and from art to censorship. But it also tackles the philosophical side to today's essential (...)
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    Comments on “Plato’s Metaphysical Anti-Atomism”.Zara Amdur - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (2):47-49.
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    Responding to Cognitive Injustice: Towards a 'Southern' Decolonial Epistemology. [REVIEW]Zara Bain - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 9 (2).
  28.  28
    Janet Vertesi. Seeing Like a Rover: How Robots, Teams, and Images Craft Knowledge of Mars. xi + 318 pp., figs., apps., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2015. $35. [REVIEW]Zara Mirmalek - 2016 - Isis 107 (3):675-676.
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  29. The Place of "Practical Spirituality" in the Lives of the Dalit Buddhists in Pune.Tamsin Bradley & Zara Bhatewara - 2013 - In Cosimo Zene, The Political Philosophies of Antonio Gramsci and B. R. Ambedkar: Itineraries of Dalits and Subalterns. New York: Routledge.
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    Stochastic dominance in multicriterion analysis under risk.Jean-Marc Martel & Kazimierz Zaras - 1995 - Theory and Decision 39 (1):31-49.
  31. Interdisciplinarity in action.Sophia Efstathiou & Zara Mirmalek - 2014 - In Nancy Cartwright & Eleonora Montuschi, Philosophy of Social Science: A New Introduction. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Role of change leadership in attaining sustainable growth and curbing poverty: A case of Pakistan tourism industry.Fatima Bashir, Zara Tahir & Amna Aslam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:934572.
    This study has proposed to apply change leadership as a vehicle forward for sustaining the growth of the tourism industry to eradicate poverty through the Pakistani tourism industry. Applying a mixed method approach, this article has attempted to uncover the role a change leader can play to help achieve the United Nations’ sustainable development goals of poverty reduction. In this study, one of the authors interviewed stakeholders of the tourism industry to find out the major drivers of the industry and (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy of education in a new key: Cultivating a living philosophy of education to overcome coloniality and violence in African Universities.Yusef Waghid, Nuraan Davids, Thokozani Mathebula, Judith Terblanche, Philip Higgs, Lester Shawa, Chikumbutso Herbert Manthalu, Zayd Waghid, Celiwe Ngwenya, Joseph Divala, Faiq Waghid, Michael A. Peters & Marek Tesar - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-14.
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    When Children's Production Deviates From Observed Input: Modeling the Variable Production of the English Past Tense.Libby Barak, Zara Harmon, Naomi H. Feldman, Jan Edwards & Patrick Shafto - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (8):e13328.
    As children gradually master grammatical rules, they often go through a period of producing form‐meaning associations that were not observed in the input. For example, 2‐ to 3‐year‐old English‐learning children use the bare form of verbs in settings that require obligatory past tense meaning while already starting to produce the grammatical –ed inflection. While many studies have focused on overgeneralization errors, fewer studies have attempted to explain the root of this earlier stage of rule acquisition. In this work, we use (...)
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    Changing minds about minds: Evidence that people are too sceptical about animal sentience.Stefan Leach, Robbie M. Sutton, Kristof Dhont, Karen M. Douglas & Zara M. Bergström - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105263.
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  36.  20
    Special Section: Anarres Project for Alternative Futures Collection.José-Antonio Orosco, Lark Sontag, Zara Stevens & Taine Duncan - 2021 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 27 (1):5-19.
    This article contains four essays from the Anarres Project, a forum for conversations, ideas, and initiatives that promote a future free of domination, exploitation, oppression, war, and empire. In the spirit of philosophy in the contemporary world, the selection includes recent work on the pandemic and related struggles for justice in the past year. An introduction to the project is included.
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    Exploring gender stereotypes in media adverts: A multimodal analysis.Tazanfal Tehseem, Masroor Sibtain & Zara Obaid - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (2):155-175.
    This paper aims at identifying socio-cultural portrayal of women through representational, interactive and compositional meanings with a focus on gender stereotypes propagated by media advertisements in Pakistan. Media adverts as such are an instrumental tool for manipulating attitudes and behavior of large and diverse audience for example, a large body of data reveals that women are portrayed in media to stylize their physical attributes to tempt and persuade customers. Therefore, advertisements are instrumental in creating a certain mind-set by shaping an (...)
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  38.  19
    Emotional Pain Mediates the Link Between Preoccupied Attachment and Non-suicidal Self-Injury in High Suicide Risk Psychiatric Inpatients.Ali M. Molaie, Chih-Yun Chiu, Zara Habib, Igor Galynker, Jessica Briggs, Paul J. Rosenfield, Raffaella Calati & Zimri S. Yaseen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Think Miss Piggy, not Pinocchio: debunking the myth of ‘autonomous’ AI.Raffaele Ciriello, Angelina Chen & Zara Rubinsztein - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
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    Le Terme Centrali di Porto Torres (SS): rilievo e ricostruzione 3D.Jacopo Bonetto, Daniele Bursich, Maria Letizia Pulcini & Arturo Zara - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (2):47-72.
    Il contributo mira a presentare metodi e risultati del progetto di restauro virtuale di un settore dell’antica Porto Torres/Turris Libisonis (Terme centrali, via adiacente e botteghe prospicienti - cd. palazzo del Re Barbaro), frutto di un accordo di collaborazione tra la Direzione Regionale Musei Sardegna e l’Università degli Studi di Padova. Il metodo applicato si basa su tecnologie di fruizione in Realtà Virtuale e ha permesso il restauro virtuale, geolocalizzando il modello virtuale 3D on-site: una App comanda la visualizzazione di (...)
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    Correction to: The Room.Virginjia Vilkelyte, Luna Dolezal, Juanita Navarro-Páez, Charlotte A. Wu, Will Bynum & Zara Slattery - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-1.
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    Memory control immediately improves unpleasant emotions associated with autobiographical memories of past immoral actions.Akul Satish, Robin Hellerstedt, Michael C. Anderson & Zara M. Bergström - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (7):1032-1047.
    The ability to stop unwanted memories from coming to mind is theorised to be essential for maintaining good mental health. People can employ intentional strategies to prevent conscious intrusions of negative memories, and repeated attempts to stop retrieval both reduces the frequency of intrusions and improves subsequent emotions elicited by those memories. However, it is still unknown whether memory control can improve negative emotions immediately, at the time control is attempted. It is also not clear which strategy is most beneficial (...)
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    The Room.Virginjia Vilkelyte, Luna Dolezal, Juanita Navarro-Páez, Charlotte A. Wu, Will Bynum & Zara Slattery - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-7.
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    Zara Eski Mezarlık'taki Osmanlı Dönemi Mezar Taşları.Ebru Bilget Fataha - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):149-149.
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    Zara Yacob's inauguration of modernity and cardiocentrism.Teodros Kiros - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    The book examines the place and function of the human heart in the history of humankind beginning with Kemet (Egypt) to our modern era, and uncovers a hidden function of the human heart as a thinking organ and a source of insights. This is a new groundbreaking argument which will provoke wide ranging debates among philosophers and scientists.
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    Zara[th]uštra, Philo, the Achaemenids, and Israel: being a treatise upon the antiquity and influence of the Avesta.Lawrence Heyworth Mills - 1903 - New York: AMS Press.
    Zarathustra and the Greeks.--Zarathustra, the Achaemenids, and Israel.
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    Takrîru'l-Kavânîn el-mütedâvile min ilmi'l-munâzara.Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr Sājaqlīzādah - 2017 - Kahramanmaraş: Kahramanmaraş Büyükşehir Belediyesi. Edited by Yusuf Türker & Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr Sājaqlīzādah.
  48.  21
    Nev’î’s Mathnawi Mün'zara-i Tûtî Vü Z'ğ.Ömer Zülfe - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:660-696.
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    Cedeli̇N Fikih İLmi̇Nde Kullanimi: Kudûrî Ve Ebu’T-Tayyi̇B Et-Taberî Arasindaki̇ Bi̇R Mün'zara Bağlaminda.Ahmet Numan Ünver - 2019 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 21 (39):67-91.
    Erken dönemlerden itibaren fıkhî meseleler üzerindeki tartışmalar, bir yönteme bağlı kalınarak icra edilmiştir. Tartışmalarda belirli soru ve cevap türlerine başvurulmuş, soruların tertibine özen gösterilmiştir. Bu sayede taraflar kendi görüşlerinin doğruluğunu, karşıt görüşün yanlışlığını çelişkiye düşmeden ortaya koymaya çalışmıştır. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak cedelden ve cedelin fıkha tatbikinden bahsedilmiş, sonrasında münâzaracı kimlikleriyle meşhur olan Hanefî fakihi Kudûrî ile Şâfiî fakihi Ebu’t-Tayyib et-Taberî arasında geçtiği rivayet edilen talâka dair bir münâzara inceleme konusu edilmiştir. Bu münâzarada, muhâlea ile boşanılan kadına, kadının iddeti esnasında (...)
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    Spezielle Metaphysik in der Untersuchung des Zara Jacob (15991692).Andrej Krause - 2003 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 85 (3):331-345.
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